
Desire Profile - Elijah

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Literature Text

Name: Captain Elijah Avery Elizabeth Flynn (supposedly).
Age: Looks to be in his mid-twenties.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.

-Physical details-
Height: About 5ft 10.
Build: Athletic.
Eyes: Green.
Skin: Caucasian, but tanned.
Defining features: Shoulder length, unkempt brown hair. Dashing rather than handsome.
Clothing: Elijah takes a lot of pride in his attire. A black old fashioned captain’s hat equipped with gold lining and two magnificent feathers, one red and one white. His shirt is unimpressive plain flannel, crossed with a thick leather belt running from shoulder to hip and his trousers are dark, thick and coarse while his boots are thick black leather beginning to wear thanks to over-exposure to water. His coat is long and impressive, a brilliant ruby red with gold lining and with wings in the same gold thread embroidered into the corners of the tails. The cuffs are large and carry shining buttons to clip them together (hidden pockets decorate the interior.) A black eye-patch sits over his left eye, bound to his face with a three-piece-strap. Over all, he looks like a very smartly dressed pirate of the sail era.


Rapier: Obtained with no little amount of determination (or cunning, or thievery, or the greater agitation of the navy), Elijah favours it for its practicality in both cutting and thrusting. The sword used to belong to an officer of the Imperial Navy, so is of good quality, though not visually impressive. The scabbard, however, is obviously not the original, and is a lot scruffier. The blade is in the best condition one would expect for enduring sea travel.

Knives: Elijah has a whole bunch of knives hidden away on his person, and is quite handy at both wielding and throwing them. Don’t expect any number he gives you in regards to how many he’s carrying to be reliable though. After all, what’s the point of carrying hidden throwing knives if your opponent knows when you run out?

Bombs: Elijah loves explosions; he’s filled his inventory with a variety of home-made explosives utilizing aspects of gadgetry and chemistry for varying results.

Rope: Elijah never goes adventuring without a good ten feet of sturdy rope. You never know when you’ll need it. He’d take a 10ft pole if he could, but it’s just not practical to carry around. Comes with optional use grappling hook.

Clockwork Pocket Watch: Not exactly an upscale model, but it has proven reliable. And there is this method of working out which pole your facing with a clock face…he’s got it written down some-where…He also claims that it’s made of silver, but no-one really believes him.

Packed Lunch: Made with care by Cook, she has ensured that her Captain is fully equipped with salted meats, nuts preserved in honey, some hard biscuits, an apple, and a flask of Rum.

Sack: Complete with draw string. Stores stuff he isn’t using. It seems to sag a bit…what was that bit about bombs again?

Unusual abilities (rate relative power on 1-5 scale):

Explosive Knowledge (4):If it can be used to make an explosion, Elijah probably knows how. Explosions are something of a hobby of his, and he also has a rather impressive chemical knowledge, allowing him to make more than a simple boom. And then there are those bombs…I’ve mentioned those right?

Phantom Thievery (3): Elijah’s criminal expertise is the dramatic style of the phantom thief. Elijah carries skills ranging from acrobatics, to lock picking, to disguises. Many of these skills were learnt through working with the theatrical troupe, where he spent much of the time doing the dramatic stunts that won them acclaim. Sneak, climb, dodge, weave, and disappear, he can do all with grandeur. In combat, expect to see him launching through windows and bounding around the room.

Deductive Reasoning (3): Not quite yet a match Sherlock Holmes, but Elijah’s mind is quick and agile. He will analyse all that he sees, seeking to learn as much about that and those surrounding him. This stems not from some cold logic, but an avid interest in all the world.

Fighting Style:

The core of Elijah’s combat style is rather like a blockbuster film about pirates, possibly from the Caribbean...only with more explosions.

Loves: His crew, stories, Cook’s cooking, adventure, travel, new things (the whole Indiana Jones package.) magical things. As a matter of fact, he’s liable to fight simply to see what his opponent can do.
Fears: Monotony, boredom, being forgotten, being isolated.

Quirks (at least 5):

1: Elijah talks. A lot. He enjoys providing exposition, or narrating, or simply spouting his observations (often about the person he’s talking to.), even explaining his plan while executing it. He’s not quite Dead-pool, but he is quite the motor-mouth.

2: Elijah loves his hat. There’s no deep sentimental heart wrenching ‘my idol lost his arm saving me and then gave me his hat as a keep-sake’ reason behind it, it’s just a really, really cool hat! As a matter of fact, Elijah has a hat fixation in general; something about them just draws him in.

3: Elijah has a flair for the dramatic. He’ll often take the most impressive and dynamic of paths available, and if there isn’t one, he will forge it with his own two hands! Expect plenty of standing in high-places or leaping out from the smoke when it comes to entrances, or at least a witty line (possibly followed by the use of a high place or smoke.)

4: Elijah is a curious person. In fact, his curiosity can be a motivator all of its own. He loves the magic, mystical and weird, and is quite likely to get side-tracked by whatever ancient mystical, or shiny-new-fangled thing sits in his path. Fawning over his opponent if they display some kind of cool or interesting power that he’s just dying to know about.

5: Elijah is genre savvy. He’ll keep an eye on the King’s Vizier with the pointy little beard, knows just when the ‘not-quite-dead’ villain is about to rise up for one last attack and all that hoo-ha. He also enjoys it, and may even go along with it just to see how it pans out.

6: Elijah likes cute things. They can’t quite distract him as much as some amazing new mystery, but they can do a decent job of getting him to pause and go ‘awww’.


Original setting: Elijah comes from a future version of our own world, where the ice-caps have melted and technology and society have regressed back to the age of sail, with only slithers of steam technology being remembered. Sunken nuclear stations have created sea-monsters, but some would say that magic is rearing its face once more…

History: The only person other than Elijah himself who can tell you about the earliest parts of his past is Captain Abraham, and neither seems willing to divulge on any part of their lives spent together. (Elijah won’t even fess up to his real age or birthday.)
The earliest Elijah seems to talk about is when he journeyed with a theatrical troupe, travelling between a series of small islands putting on plays and performances. It was here that Elijah seemed to develop many of his skills, predominantly in the arts of disguise, and likely learned how to sail. After this comes a series of tales as Elijah seems to have set out upon his own, travelling by foot and boat rides across what remains of Europe and India. Just as he hangs the word ‘supposedly’ after his name upon introducing himself, Elijah leaves those who listen to his (often frankly fantastic) stories. These range from seeking out pre-flood ruins in a search of treasure or books, to aiding deposed princes in reclaiming their thrones. In fact, even his crew remain sceptical when it comes to some of these stories, especially the more outrageous ones…but then…sometimes…someone comes along who recognises that magnificent hat and brilliant grin.
The greatest find of Elijah’s life has been a diary. In a world where books are of something of a rarity (as is literacy), paper between leather like this holds a fair bit of monetary value, but that’s not what interests Elijah. The apparent chronicler in this instance seems to be one Captain James Hook, and details his discovery of, and early days in, Neverland. Dreaming of a land where he could adventure forever, Elijah knew that more direct action than stowing away and island hoping would be needed to find dream, and so took to the path of Hook (a man who he admired for his cunning and gentlemanly manners, even in the face of the such an honourless villain as Pan) and set out to become a pirate, gathering a crew about him as he began to travel the world, crossing swords with navies, empires, demons, monsters and villainous curs. Of course, he is regarded as not being a very good pirate, due to his refusal to attack and raid passing vessels (despite the oft insistence of certain shoe-loving fight maniac first mates) generally regarding it as a ‘base, cruel and mean-spirited and not very interesting.’ This does not, however, mean that he free of any criminal nature, as he is renowned for stealing great treasures, and even his ship was former naval property.

Family: None has ever been mentioned.

Friends: Of note-
His crew –
Roberta ‘Bob’ Cook: Ship’s cook and the first member recruited, prefers to go by her surname.
Charlotte: The ship’s first mate (somewhat self proclaimed), ex-monster hunter and lover of fights and shoes.
Petrov: From Mother Russia, former ladies man turned ladies bear (a witch did it) Petrov’s circus background keeps him up to the frantic lifestyle set by Elijah, and his other skills make him an able carpenter.
John: Grumpy, old, with one leg and one arm and a really long moustache, John’s out to spend his remaining days on the sea, even if it means serving under a nut-job pirate like Elijah. A skilled navigator, he refuses to believe in magic despite all evidence to the contrary (eg: he’s not a talkin’ bear! He’s just no shaved!). Very grumpy.
Francoise: Cute as a button with her pig-tails and large round glasses, little Francoise is the ship’s doctor…well, in-training. A bit of a child genius she may be, there are still huge gaps in her knowledge. She’s taken to the crew as her family, and Elijah adores her in a manner akin to a big brother, or even paternally.
Squiggy: Flying pig. Round and pink. Lazy. Written off by John as a mass hallucination. This little piggy is Elijah’s proof of Neverland and shares a strong bond with Cook, and enjoys sleeping a lot. He also goes ‘sqoink’, it’s quite cute.
Captain Abraham: A Naval officer determined to capture Elijah, but both seem to regard the other as one of their best friends. Has more than a passing resemblance to a crocodile.

Reason for entering tournament:
A mysterious rumour…the promise of a wish…how could Elijah, a born adventurer, pass up this opertunity? He’s confident that he will find a trove of interesting things and people along the way, and that surely there will be some wonderful, terrifying, life threatening dangers that he can tell everyone about. Also, his greatest goal is to reach Neverland, and given his theories on the nature of Neverland, this ‘wish’ could very well be the way there…

Of course…everyone has deep desires…sometimes, even they aren’t even aware of them…

Pick one thing your character IS and one thing he/she IS NOT:

Elijah is one SMART cookie (even if he doesn’t always seem like it) and while his speed is impressive for a mortal, his biggest edge is in how he applies what he’s got. If he was fully equipped with modern day references, he’d likely proclaim himself to be Batman.

While being fit enough to qualify for his world’s marine services, Elijah is not particularly STRONG. In fact, he often wonders why he gets lumped with carrying the shopping. He can haul his own weight around when climbing, but that’s not going to win him an arm wrestling contest any time soon.

List the three most important things about your character:
1. Adventuring is his life, and no amount of gold can keep him from it.
2. Elijah enjoys a challenge, so interesting fights may appeal to him, but he has no love violence, and despite blowing things up (a lot) is more than happy to end a battle without fatality.
3. Elijah prefers to settle things when a plan, rather than straight up combat skill. And if he can fit an explosion in, he will.
(So many attempts to upload this).

Okay, so awhile back I read about the Desire battle contest, and decided to throw Elijah's illustrious hat into the mix, but essays and work and chritsmas slowed me down to submitting at the zero hour.


So yeah, this is the profile. Some of you may have even heard of Elijah if you've ever visted Lady-Obsessed's account, but this is to be him in all his glorious text based formatting.

I'm a little worried that this is a bit long, but I'm a believer in detail. Besides, if we only went with what was strictly necessary we'd never have the Transporter Films, most of anime, or the Death Star. Besides...Elijah's backstory is kinda...well...complex, if it wasn't for the character relevancy I'd have tried to avoid it. Be glad I trimmed the details on his crew down.

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